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Swirling around the yard gobbling up so many flying insects, to me, the dragonflies are always welcome site.  I could sit and watch them fast, so agile, so hungry and so beautiful! However, I di learn many years ago that they can bite.  Did you know that? I was part of a guided walk in the woods at a state park and as we made our way around the small pond, we stopped to learn about the native plants. One of the men on the walk suddenly lifted his hand announcing he had a dragonfly on his finger.  Of course, we all tuned to focus on him and shortly after, he jerked up his hand and it flew off as he exclaimed, " It bit me." It was then that our tour guide, a gentleman I met when we first moved back to CT and that I am still friends with to this day, informed us that yes, they can bite into human flesh.  Totally okay with me as they always land in and around my gardens or near the stone walls. However, this post isn't about's about another beas

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