Fun, Full Mornings

With the cooler temps lately, we've been encountering a lot of morning mist and/or fog.

Admittedly, it's a little eery as we make our way on the trail along the water.  Due to limited visibility, I keep a close eye on Livy's body language as we're approaching a blind corner.  For being such a little gal, she's great alarm system  and sends her signals with conviction I must admit.

If I time it right, shortly after we get there and if the sun shows it's face, things begin to clear up so by the time we come out of the woods, it's pretty clear.

On one of our adventures here, as we walked in the shadows behind the damn,  I spotted something up ahead on the trail.

Remaining focused on it, Livy and I approached with caution until we could se just what it was.  

Even when I don't see other people around, I always have Livy on  her leash.  I've an occasional coyote cross in the woods above us and after hearing how they can "bait a dog", I am extremely careful.  She stays with me and is always only a few feet away.

Well, look what we saw that day...a huge snapping turtle!

Making Livy sit/stay until it made its way into the herbaceous growth that edges a pretty decent size swampy area.  I am trying to teach her to sit/stay with all kinds of distractions and let me tell you "it ain't easy"!  

Just the other day, while I was talking to folks on the trail, we saw our sometimes walking friends, Mark and his Australian Shepherd, a VERY well trained dog.  Excited to see them, Livy couldn't wait for me to let go of her leash.  She headed toward Mark and upon release, his dog headed towards me.

As always I got down on the ground so he could meet me face to face...he loves me and always wants to give me kisses.  I learned that Livy gets a little jealous that day because once she saw what was going on, she left Mark and was back for her own kisses.  

In case you haven't figured it out, I continue to be the enthusiastic, sometimes child-like, person I've always been truly enjoying what I do!

Of course, once we get back home, we always tell the Pres and Katniss about our adventures before we both get a chance to eat an early lunch and go cuddle (aka nap time).  Personally, I'm happy I'm a "morning person".  What is your best time of the day?

seeing, saying, and sharing...

Fun, Full Mornings

One more thing...have a wonderful and very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!  I know WE will.  The next few days will be spent preparing as I'm sure yours will...YUM!!



Ginny Hartzler said…
Live is so blessed to have you for her owner. Your misty photos are mysterious and beautiful.

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