Ten hydrangea bushes...ten, mind you...and only one bloom this Summer.  Grant you three were transplants from VA (shrubs that I refused to leave there because they were gifts from folks I cherished then and still do), which the Pres was not happy about digging, potting and transporting to CT.  But, hey, he brought all his "toys" (his 52" walk behind lawn mower, his ATV, his generator, his air compressor, etc, etc.  At least the hydrangeas were planted here and made it!  

Anyway, then a few years ago...probably at least 5...he brought home 7 potted hydrangeas from the "farm".

ME: "What in Heavens name am I going to do with those?"

HIM:  "Plant 'em."

And so we did.  One would think that after 5 years, they would show us a "little gratitude" for saving their lives.  NOPE!

Here's a shot of the 7 along the fence line.  Yes, morning sun and afternoon shade.  One year I tried cutting them down in the Fall, shaping them like a ball and as you can see the leaf growth on each of them is awesome.  They are "big leaf" hydrangeas as are the 3 transplants from VA.

So this year, a friend told me to water them like crazy for the remainder of the year until it gets cold and then again all Spring.  They are VERY THIRSTY buggers I'm told yet don't like getting their leaves wet which can promote mold and fungus.

This ting is, I was a VERY rainy year here so I didn't give them extra water...OOPS???

Anyway, that's what the plan is which required a very long soaker hose that is placed behind them and me simply connecting it to the hose on the reel.

I've tried various fertilizers, and bloom promoters...yet nothing except the one bloom.   The ones from VA are almost as tall as I am (5"6") and I did get two blooms off of this one year.

seeing, saying, sharing...



Ginny Hartzler said…
The color on the blooming one is gorgeous! I have not seen one this combination of red and blue. I have one that hasn't bloomed in maybe ten years.
Ann said…
The ones I have were super loaded this year with blooms. I never do anything to them at all. They take care of themselves. I have them on the front of my house which gets afternoon/evening sun.
Can't help, dear girl. Mine has not bloomed this year either but it gets only a limited amount of afternoon sun. (I didn't plant it there.)

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