The Case of the Missing Rooster

To prepare for Christmas decorating, like you, I remove certain decor and replace them with the Christmas stuff.  Well so now, here it is, January 12th and although I normally have "taken down Christmas", I haven't done so entirely.  The wreaths are still hanging on the outside of the house.  Why?  Because I love them!!              

This year, for whatever reason, I just love looking at this corner of the LR.  It may have something to do with the black metal rocking horse.  I gave him a fresh coat of paint.  He's very us.

Of course, personally I think Katniss all curled up in the chair makes the shot!!

Meanwhile, when we got our snowstorm (8"), thank goodness we had arranged to have a local fellow plow both the gravel road.  One thing we realized was that in all the years that the Pres plowed the shared road and each individual driveway (3 including ours), he wasn't charging what he should have been.  However, the shoveling we did was minimal and shortly after the storm, the weather warmed and melted it all away.

Anyway, with the exception of the few things in the GR, everything else in the house is back to normal except for the fact that I cannot find my big green (patina) metal rooster.  He belongs in the DR...has always been there...and now I have no idea where he is!  So, one of these days, in between doctor's appointments and tests, I'll go through all the totes out in the garage in hopes of finding him.

Yes, that's where we are so far all this month...changes to meds, doctor's appointments and tests.  As for the Pres, he's not bothered by it at all other than "it's a PITA."  

seeing, saying, and sharing...

The Case of the Missing Rooster


Ginny Hartzler said…
I love the horse, and I think it and the wreaths could be left out all winter. I took down all my Christmas themed decorations, but left ones out that can be just a winter theme. That turned out to be quite a lot. When I first read your blog title, I thought you had lost a live rooster! Do you think you would have put him in a tote?
Such a lovely winter wonderland but hate that you have to trek out in it regularly. Hope you find the rooster soon. That kind of thing can drive you nuts, AMHIK.
JP, please let us hear from you.

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