Morning Stretches
WRONG!! It all stemmed from recent activities over a period of a week...a mere seven days!!
First and foremost, when the Pres and I decided to dig out those massive grasses I told you about, I bent over, picked up and loaded two into my little green (not wagon. Then because I think I am the bionic woman, I PULLED the very heavy wagon with my left arm up our hill to get out of our yard through the gate and then headed down to our neighbor's yard.
Seeing his truck home, I didn't want to bother him (because of the hours he works), so I once again lifted the huge root balls up and out of the wagon and leaned over to place them on the ground out of the way. My task was complete and now simply pulled the empty wagon back up the hill and parked it in our yard.
Two days later, I had my adventure along the riverbed (when I lost my phone), lifting and throwing my right leg up and over the downed trees to hike in and out.
Two days later I cleaned the entire East perennial bed on my hands and knees, doing repetitive bending and leaning.
Two days after that we went to my son's and I loaded and unloaded the pickup bed with five gallon buckets filled with root-balls of dug grasses and water (to keep them moist).
Yep, one week later...excruciating pain in my lower right side back, upper left arm/shoulder, and the front of my right thigh. Spasms in my back...UGH...spasms in my thigh...double UGH!!
Needless to say, I've been doing a lot of stretching in between muscle spasms. As of this writing, my back and arm feel MUCH better now it's just the muscle/tendon in my front thigh that needs to mend and that, my friends, is a killer!!
So today and EVERY DAY, I am thankful for the mobility I do have!!
seeing, saying, sharing...
Morning Stretches