Believe It or Not...The Old Woman Lives!

First off, Blogger seems to have disconnected my receiving your Comments via email...AGAIN!!  However, although I initially couldn't remember how to set it up, I THINK I figured it out.  Hopefully I will be notified when and if you leave a comment...thank you for understanding and your patience.  

Secondly, both the "old woman and the old man" (the Pres and I) are still here.  After what seems like a zillion tests and oh, so many doctors' visits, follow-up appointments and endless waiting, we are almost "back to square one again."

Yes, the Pres' endoscopy and colonoscopy found several things.  However, the potential worrisome ones were taken care of immediately and as it stands now, he was given a new med to help with his very bad GERD and hopefully help his stomach acid.  As you know already the Pres is relentless and although given the info on GERD and foods to, shall we say, "limit", the Pres' answer to me was, "Right!"

Once his most recent echocardiogram was read, his Cardiologist added yet another medication in his "Plan", which is something used for people with heart failure.  That's hard to put in writing and it's very hard for me to swallow although it's the truth.  He's had quite the heart history that goes all the way back to 2015 and, as the doctors told him, was given many opportunities and options along the way.  Yet, like so many, the Pres chose to do things "his way."

Believe it or not, this post was started 02/09/24 and not finished until today (08/09/24).  Please understand that besides my typical activities (monitoring Eagles' and Osprey nests, walking with Livy, helping out with Eagle presentations, mowing, gardening, housework, etc.) I've encountered another challenge.

While on one of my excursions into the woods to check the status of a nest, I tripped on a damn root of all things and nearly took a tumble.  However, I told myself I wasn't going to "go down" and was able to catch myself, although I did do some damage to my right adductor.  After months of pain and lots of stretching, I think I'm finally on the mend!

Of course, I couldn't let a few pulled muscles and torn ligaments interrupt the daily excursions with Livy, so we walked regardless.  Although hills became tough, I made it.  Tai Chi has helped a lot once I was able to resume classes as well.

Livy, now 2 1/2, is a GREAT companion and still loves playin with Katniss, although Katniss is definitely in charge.  

How do I know that?  Well, for instance, when Katniss runs downstairs, I know what she's up to.  She "baits" Livy, just like coyotes do to your dog.  She hunkers down somewhere and when Livy goes to find her, Katniss springs into action!  Last night it was the bathtub game.  Kat runs and hides in the bathroom.  Livy walks slowly into the bathroom looking back and forth.  Just as Livy approaches the tub, Katniss pops up from her crouched position in the bathtub and swats Livy.

Oh, heck I might as well tell you this too....

I've missed this "blogging thing".  At first, I didn't because I was so caught up in the medical whirlwind,  However, I realized that it's good to share...maybe not everything but just enough to let you know that...

seeing, saying, and sharing...

believe it or not...



Ginny Hartzler said…
It is so good to hear from you finally, and know that you are alright!!! I hope the Pres follows doctor's orders and takes his meds now.
Ann said…
Good to see a post from you today. The Pres sounds like a typical guy when it comes to health and medical issues. They all seem to think they know better than the doctors.
Oh, dear girl, I'm almost in tears to see you posting again!

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