Wall Work Pays Off

Hanging on for the last few sips before making it's journey, this Monarch was a sign that Summer is ending.

It was much less hot and humid recently, although it is poured this morning and tomorrow we are getting yet another bout of heavy rain.  We now have a steady stream running through our yard.  I refer to it as the San Andres Fault...LOL!

This morning, while on the phone with my daughter, I walked around the yard.  In one of the low spots the water was ankle deep.  The ground just cannot absorb it anymore because it's oversaturated.  

However, it was a good day to do a little more "wall work."  Heading up the hill to the upper level of the yard, I couldn't help but notice the large number of pine cones hanging from the 100" pines.  For some reason this year, there are much more.  Making a mental note that gathering them will be another good thing to take care of...pick up the pine cones for drying/decorating this year.

Hmmmm...do I really feel like kneeling dow to cut and trim everything along this wall?  Or should I begin gathering some of those pine cones?

Between us, I really wanted to avoid the wall work, yet I knew it would take me days to get it all done. 

The wall work won out. Because I'm trying to get a a lot of tasks done and out of the way before I take off for a few days.  Yep, I'm going down to visit my Sister...finally.

Both of us are really looking forward to it as you can imagine.  It's been about nine years.  The last time I went down is when she had her second bout with cancer.  Yep, she's fought that damn disease three times in her adult life, and like so many people survived.

Pulling my old trusty wagon to the upper level,  I, once again, wished I didn't have to get on my hands and knees to clip.  Yet I knew it would be easier on my back being closer to the ground.  Actually one of my old blogger buddies suggested that to me years ago and she was right!  Been doing it ever since!!

The plants that needed clipping, including the Peony bush, Monarda, Black-eyed Susans, Columbine, and Pot of Gold were the easy ones.  It was the few invasives that were a pain in the butt because digging became necessary.
The first day I got quite a bit done.
Even the President commented on it when I called it quits for the day.  He said, "You did a good job on the wall."

It's always nice to hear nice things, don't you agree?

Enough about the damn wall work.  Wait until I show you this....

Firstly, the Montauk Daisies are blooming and they are just so refreshing as everything around is dying back and spent.

But that's the the best.

The other night when I took Livy out for last call at dusk, I saw something besides spider webs on one of the Hydrangeas.  Actually it was on the oldest of the all that I saw it.

Having my cell phone in my pocket, I aimed and took a shot just to be sure I wasn't hallucinating.

OMG!  Is that a bud?  It sure looked like one to me.

So the next morning when it was nice and sunny, I took this one.


And it's October!!

Suddenly all the aches and pains in my knees were gone.  The stiffness in my aching hands disappeared.  With the wall work nearly done, there, right in front of me, was my reward!!

seeing, saying, and sharing...

Wall Work Pays Off


Ginny Hartzler said…
This popping up and budding just shows that all your gardening work is paying off. The wall looks great! But my back almost hurts thinking of what you did to get it that way!
Ann said…
You're better than I am. I would have put off the work that I didn't want to do. Have fun visiting your sister.
Hope you and your sister have a fabulous visit. Hop down to the Fish House and enjoy some blackened grouper for me, okay? Also, a trip to Joe Patty's Fish Market is always fun.

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