Meant To Be...Home

Taking the two gift cards for TJ Maxx/Marshalls I received for Christmas out of my wallet, I handed them to the woman at the register.

Buying two sweatshirts and a blouse to add to my Fall clothes, the rule I've made for myself is for each one item bought, two items from the closet must be donated.

Thinking of that plan while I was away for a week, I put it into action immediately...before I had second thoughts.

The hurdle I face each time I remove things from my closet is simple.  Everything in there fits me, making it more difficult to get rid of things.  I have a few pairs of jeans that are big on me now, but knowing that I generally put on a few pounds over the Winter months makes me hang on to them.  In other words I'm donating clothes that still fit.  They are not worn or torn.  Mostly everything is in great shape and the few things that are worn, I wear out to do yard work, or mow.  

Meanwhile, a few days after getting home, I had another dog-sitting "gig".  This one was for the folks I regularly sit for.  However, it didn't require me to sleep over as they live close by.  It's super convenient to stop by, take care of "my boy" and spend time with hime while his folks are away.  They also have cameras set up so they can see, if something happens that I need to go there if an emergency arose.  

We fell for each other immediately the day I met him.  Ever since, when I walk in the door I say, "Where's my boy?" and he comes running and barking.  He's a very vocal dog...barks at everything.  Being a herding dog, he looks up at the sky and tries to get the birds in a bunch.   And strange as this may sound, he LOVES the rain.  

So when it rains, I know to wear my waterproof clothes because there's no way we're inside.  He wants to go play, get drenched and then dry off right before it's time for me to leave.

This time I only had to care for him for three days and when I leave my house, I tell Livy "you wait, Mommy has to go to Scout's.   I'll be back."

I was really surprised after watching him the first time because I thought Livy would be a little "off" if you know what I mean.  She sniffed and sniffed but then just accepted the fact that I smelled like Scout yet knew I was home to love her.

Speaking of "love". when I came home on one of my many trips to WalMart, I found another "Lamb Chop" for Livy!  Now she has two...well actually 3 if you count the mini one.

This one stays upstairs and then her other one stays downstairs on my bed so when we cuddle, we snuggle with "Lamby" too.

My life has changed a lot since I got Livy...changed for the good.  She makes me laugh...a lot.  For instance, when I tell her "relax", she automatically goes into a down stay.  How in Heavens name did I get so lucky????

seeing, saying, and sharing...

Meant To Be...Home

P.S.  Just an afterthought.  My girl friend told me "We don't get the dogs we want, JP.  We get the dogs we need."  She was right.



Those pups all looks so happy and the collie dude is adorable!
Ginny Hartzler said…
Livy is for sure YOUR dog, and so cute and obedient! You have willpower! I think I could never give away clothes that fit and looked good on me. Which is why my closet is so jam packed..
Ann said…
Scout is a beautiful dog.
As for getting the dogs we need, I would like to have a talk with the joker who thought I needed Gibbs.

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