Days Gone By...aka Changing Hats

Way back when, back in 1802, when I worked at the bank, one of my bosses would tell us that it was time to change hats for the next project.  That simply meant, "time to do a different job".

Well, apparently I just cannot let her go, because I find myself changing hats a lot now that I'm old and retired.  

As a volunteer, sometimes I'm  monitoring/observing/reporting on Bald Eagles. Then again as a volunteer for another organization sometimes I'm monitoring/observing/reporting on Osprey nests.  Of course, now throw in the mix, walking with Livy, gardening, mowing, weed eating and general housework, I realized that I'm still able to wear many hats!  And that, my friends is a good thing at my age.  Actually, it's a GREAT thing!!

Recently, I decided to put on an old hat, dig out the old cameras too and give myself a refresher course on what button and or dial changes what setting.  YIKES!  Now that was "eye-opening".  Come to find out, it was a rude awakening since I no longer take tons of photos.  So these are not the best, but they made me smile.

So, what better way to practice than in the yard?

Aren't these the most adorable purple flowers?  I found the seed packet in our local WalMart.  They're called Canterbury Bells.  Planting them during COVID, I thoroughly enjoy seeing them every year since along with the Tickseed, Coneflowers, and Liatris on the South side of the house where they pretty much get full sun all day long and very little water.

I've also been in love with Poppies over the past few years so each year I buy a new one.  I'm sure you're wondering why because they do self-seed.

Well, in my illustrious wisdom, I didn't realize that in the Spring when then were beginning to emerge, I thought they were weeds and pulled the majority of them out!!

Then one day, when I was going through my gardening tote bag, I found an old pack of Poppy seeds.  So I planted them.  Within a few days, I saw what was coming up and thought "Holy moosepoops, I've been yanking those things out!!"

In case you forgot (or don't know) our yard is surrounded by woods.  Well, it seems that Mother Nature has decided that our yard needs more ferns.  

So, in amongst our shrubs, we have ferns...tons and tons of ferns.  This one is an interrupted fern.  Do you want to know how you can tell that?

If you can zoom in, you'll see that the growth is literally "interrupted" then becomes apparent at the top.  Cool, right?

Cute little bee on this bloom too?

Impressed that I was able to capture the droplets of water on these blooms also made me "smile".  I guess the old muscle memory is a real thing.

What didn't make me "smile" though was spotting the mildew on some of our Monarda!!  I'm blaming that on Mother Nature because it's been very hot and humid here with lots of rain as well.

Now don't get me wrong the rain is great for everything except the humidity seems  to bring out the aphids too!

Okay, now I'll stop with the plants and hopefully you get "the picture".  I do so love wearing my gardening hat!!

Can't leave you without a current pic of Livy (18 mos already, which means she's been with us 15 mos!).

Oh, and this last little gem is of "the kids" (Katniss and Livy) and I.  I'm the white lump beneath...LOL!

seeing, saying, and sharing...

Days Gone By...aka Changing Hats


Ginny Hartzler said…
Your flower photos are gorgeous, especially the Canterbury Bells. You must have a very good camera. I want to get some of those seeds.
You do have a lovely garden, dear girl. Please just keep on keeping on, no matter what hat you choose to put on for the day. You need to send some of that camera muscle memory down here because mine (what little I ever had) seems to have disappeared.
Zoolatry said…
So miss gardening (now apartment living) ... your "natural/wildness" is truly wonderful.
And happy hello to the pets of the home,
Ann and JUNE
The hats look good on you and the photos are all lovely.
Ann said…
Your flowers are beautiful. I don't use my camera much either. Last Christmas I couldn't figure out how to set the time to get a group picture. My son had to figure it out for

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