Been A While

Spring finally arrived here and like you, I'm sure, we've been busy.  There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done, does there?

Beginning back in March, the Pres began driving (delivering annuals/plants) a few days a week for his high school friends business.  Each Spring he does it and typically it's from March to the end of June, which means that he's pooped on the days he doesn't drive.  He does log a lot of miles and hours, often leaving at 3 AM and returning between 4-5PM with yet another truckload of plants to hit the road with the following morning.

However,  knowing how busy he gets, before he began "trucking", I asked him to get Lucy June ready to roll.  Of course, this year is a little unique in that we still do not have enough grass to mow in the areas where we had that additional topsoil added.  And yes, that means when it's run over, it's like a big dust cloud...UGH!  However, this too shall pass, according to Tom Hanks.  So here it is, June and I'm waiting for it too pass...:)

As you can see some of the bluebird boxes were actually occupied by bluebirds again.  Those darn Wrens are so pushy when it comes to housing sometimes!!  In fact, one of our boxes is now occupied by the pushy little buggers.

A lot's happened here and even more important, several dear friends have passed.  A dear friend recently lost her husband which was/is so heartbreaking.  John was such a patriotic sole who loved animals...especially dogs and was one of the kindest people I've ever met.  He had an awesome sense of humor and, in fact, he and his wife threw our wedding shower at their home no less.  So many people from the bank were there and believe me, when I tell you that I literally almost fell off my chair when the President of our bank walked in to congratulate us!!

Another bittersweet memory for me has now become Memorial weekend.   My former BIL came up to sprinkle his wife's ashes at the lake where we all used to go swimming.  Although it's been years since I'd seen any of my former in-laws, I had to go.  My SIL was one of the best.  Kind, friendly, warm-hearted and always greeting me with a smile, she made me feel welcome from the get go.

I've never spoken much about my former in-laws, however, separating myself and my kids from them was more heartbreaking than going through the divorce.  They were the family I never had.  It was beyond WONDERFUL to see them again even though we were there for Dona.

Meanwhile, Livy and I've been keeping busy too... walking 2-5 miles nearly every day.  Today we're taking a breather because the AQI isn't that great and the pollen count is pretty rough between tree and grasses.  Oak trees bother me something fierce!  

There's a family of Canada geese at the reservoir that we run into as we trek around the woods, water and dam.  

Just another dog walking heads up too.  Don't be fooled when another dog owner says that their dog is "friendly" and wants it to make friends with your dog.  Livy almost got bitten by a "friendly" black lab.  Thank goodness I had my eye on my dog and pulled her out of it's reach! 

I guess the way you should look at it is may think your dog is friendly, but you cannot predict what they will do.  Trust me, just a word of caution.
Did I tell you I've been dong some dog-sitting?  Well I am.  It's only for one family that are just the nicest people and their dog is great.  Scout is a Shetland sheepdog, smart as a whip and loves to give kisses!  

Of course, when I scoot over to their house, I leave Livy home and am only gone an hour at a time.  I make it up to her when I come in the door though.  Asking her "did you babysit Katniss while I was gone?"  Once she sits like a good girl, the snack comes out of my pocket!

The tree pollen up here was pretty bad.  I would hose off the patio and our furniture one day and the next day it once agin covered in light green film.  However, thank goodness grass pollen doesn't bother my allergies.   So, yes, I've been mowing...usually every two days because according to lawnmower man (a gentleman I met at my daughter's who has his own lawn service), I should "cut it long, but cut it often."  Yep, that's the secret!!

However, I did recently need a little help from the Pres.  Mowing one day after we'd gotten some heavy rain, it seems that my tires got stuck (well, actually they sank).  

It was so soggy down near our fence line that when I got off the mower to go get the Pres, I actually sank halfway up my yard shoes!!  It's a good thing he was home to help otherwise, I would have had a not so good surprise for him when he got home!!

Now you al know and I know that there's a lot more stuff to share but for now, I'm ending with a pic of my girl after we came home from one of our jaunts.  I make something to eat for myself because I'm usually starving and Livy has her leftover breakfast.  Speaking of food, though, I've discovered a new taste that I just love.  Call it "old age", "crazy", "off the wall," or just plain "odd", but a chicken breast sandwich with mayo and dill pickles is the cat's meow!  

And speaking of cats, please don't think I'm neglecting Katniss just because I always talk about Livy.  In fact, the next post will give you a little peek into one of my daily routines.  Yes, it's always all about Katniss.

seeing, saying and sharing...

Been A While


Good to hear things are coming along. Hope they continue that way.
Ginny Hartzler said…
I love this kind of sandwich, it is like the Chick-fil-A ones. Of course, everyone sees their own dog as fiendly. I think we often just cannot be objective about our pets, our thinking is too clouded by love.
That little birdie is so cute and the sweet pup sure is cozy!

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