Mud...A Story

Now let's talk about MUD.  Mud is deceiving and I'll tell you why.  

Years ago...way back in 1802, in fact, when I was a single parent, I was walking down an asphalt paved walkway toward our apartment. 

When I approached the slight bend in the walk, I saw what appeared to be dirt that had accumulated on the curve along the other edge...probably from recent rain.

As I put down my right foot I felt my leg slip out from under me and down I went!  Trying to brace my fall with my hands (one of the worst things you can do, by the way) the brunt of my weight landed and my left arm/hand were under my butt.

I got up, and made it to my apartment.  It was early and just getting dark but because my left arm was sore, the kids and I went to bed right after the sitter left.

A few hours later, I couldn't stand the pain and called my neighbor asking her if she could keep an eye on the kids.  My left hand/arm were now very swollen and I knew something was wrong.  When I was growing up, I had several "adventures" that resulted in a broken bone, stitches, bad bruises, etc and knew this needed attention.

Her husband was going to drive me to the ER which he did.  About 5 hours later, I took a taxi home and was now is a temporary cast.  They did some type of micro-surgery on my wrist which was smashed because my big butt had landed on it!!

Anyway, bottom line is this...when you see anything that resembles careful!!  Yep, that footprint was left by my foot when it slipped as I stepped.  No, I didn't fall (thank goodness) and I believe I owe that to doing my Tai Chi.

still sharing...


Glad you escaped a mishap! Yeah, us folks of a certain age gotta pay attention to where we put our feet.
Ginny Hartzler said…
This is really good advice, and you sure suffered in order to give it! I have heard so many good things about Tai Chi and considered giving it a try.
Yes, the mud can be tricky but I'm glad you didn't get hurt badly.
Ann said…
I've never had a mishap like that in mud but Gibbs loves mud and frequently brings it in the house with him.
Thus is good advice, JP, and the two things I always avoid walking on, always, are mud and ice. Falling at any age is never a good thing.

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