Let's Hit The Road

Anxious to hit the road, Livy waited on the couch while I ran downstairs to change my pants.  It was another windy day and in the low 40's...but the sun was out and time for another walk!!

Heading to the "reservoir", one of our regular places to walk, she sat quietly in the back of the car.  When she heard me say, we're almost there, she sits up, looks around and starts to wiggle all over.

Pressing the hatch button to open, I tell her to "stay" and by the time I get my gloves and hat on and walk around to the back of the car, she's raring to go.  The harness I use for her in the car is the same harness I use to walk her so all I have to do is attach her leash.

We spotted this damaged white pine even before I closed the hatch and locked the car...yep...another yesterday had been another windy day.  However, one thing that's great about the reservoir...it's a big loop with a very wide area to walk so you're not directly under any trees and that included the big hill up to the cell tower.

It's a quiet place and everyone I've met there has been nice.  It's a relatively short walk...only 1 3/4 miles but there are some very decent hills, which is good for the "old ticker."

What I also like about it is the fact that I have a clear view of the entire body of water and it's surrounding path so I always know if someone else is there.  One thing I don't like is being surprised by a dog off leash!  Sure, there have been a few folks with their dogs off leash, but most of them call their dog back and put a leash on before they get close.

Yesterday, as we walked, we ran into two women...one had a black Lab and the other a Bernese Mt...both were off-leash.  However, once they saw that we had come to a stop and Livy was sitting, they called their dogs back to re-leash them.

Personally I was glad, because the Lab was definitely interested in coming toward Livy as i saw the owner grasping the leash with both hands to restrain it.

We also ran into another gal we know who has a Poodle/English Sheepdog mix...beautiful, well behaved pooch who is almost always off-leash.  Kelly called Piper to put her leash on before  we exchanged greetings as we passed each other and was on our way.  Minutes later when I think when all three would have been down the far end of the reservoir and running into each other, I heard loud barking, growling and the owners yelling for their dogs!  t was something that I was glad we avoided.


I've met some really nice people who walk regularly...some with dogs, others alone.  One gentleman, Rick, hikes up in the woods on the trails...trails that we haven't tried yet.  Then there's Mark who has a Aussie/Cattle dog mix.  Now that dog is an absolute "luv"!

It's very cold this morning and once again, very windy, so we won't head out until it warms up a little.  

Having Livy is forcing me to walk more which is good for my osteoporosis of the spine, I'm told.  Walking is good for her too, although, she does love to run once we're home so playing ball in the yard has also become routine.

Another interesting behavior of hers is her attraction to birds.  I never knew that Poodles were flipping bird dogs!!  But they are and they are also not from France as I thought.  They're a German breed...something called a Puddle.  Who knew??

still learning & sharing...just stuff



Ginny Hartzler said…
Poodles are great bird dogs! This looks like such a beautiful open space to walk. But geez,people need to keep their dogs on a leash!
Glad that any dog fights were avoided because it seems that many people ignore signs to keep their dogs leashed even in the local park we walk.

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