Oh, My Aching Feet!


Hey everyone!  It's only me...checking in again...just letting you know that all is well here.  The Pres is fine although, he does have a "little scratchy" throat today and he was coughing quite a bit last night...symptoms to keep an eye on nowadays.  

Yes, while the distance between us may be (or seem to be) far, we are still all connected.  Distance is a funny thing.  Well, it is for me anyway.  I still feel close to people I know that in actuality are far away.

As usual, I've been keeping busy.  After all, January is EAGLE Month.  Did you know that January 10th is National Save the Eagles Day?  Yes, "it is to raise awareness about eagles and give thanks to the conservation efforts to prevent their extinction.  Did you also know that there are more than 60 different species of eagles in the world? "  (Don't feel bad I didn't know that either!!). 

Anyway...on with some stuff...

Livy and I visit the lake (shown above) regularly  to check on the prospective nesting of the resident Bald Eagles.  Although we saw nothing that morning, I have seen them in and around recently as well as sitting near the nest (an abandoned Osprey nest on a cell tower).

Our Mid-Winter Eagle Survey was early this year...01/07/23. this year.  Asking the Pres to babysit for Livy for the morning meant he had to get up early as I left the house at 6:15am.  

My assignment included six sites which is a lot to do in the 4 hour window.  However asking one of my team members to check on the nest near her helped a lot as it would have been a 20 minute drive each way for me.   Although we covered 5 of the areas, it was a lot.  By our last stop a muscle in my thigh was palpitating, although I'm sure the damp chill may have had something to do with it let alone the total of 14 miles we walked.  I'm hoping that next year, we can divide the areas into two teams.  That would be much more manageable. 

Our mission was successful, although not as successful as I would have liked.  The pair of "Balds" who nested near the river was spotted again...together...exhibiting their bonding behavior.  I was fortunate to observe the male "escorting" their two offspring out of their nesting territory as well a few days before the survey and have seen the same behavior since.   

Livy and I continue to walk several times a week, weather permitting racking up 4-5 miles each walk.  I'm telling you, if you want to lose weight, get a puppy!!  I've dropped 13 pounds since March...WOOT, WOOT!

It's been very rainy here all Winter with minimal snowfall.  Livy's a great little watchdog and very intuitive.  Walking early in the morning before first light, she certainly has become my trusty companion.

I'm VERY anxious for more sun and extremely anxious for more daylight!   Livy and I cannot wait for the clocks to Spring ahead (and hopefully remain).

There's always so much to share and just not enough time to put it into words.  Now at 75, I'm ready to hit the sheets by 8pm.  In fact, usually Livy and I are snuggling on my bed between 7-7:30 pm, then once I say "Do you want me to carry you?", she jumps off the bed and heads into her crate.  You see, when she was a puppy, I would say that as I carried her to her crate because she was too tiny to jump on/off my bed which is kind of high.  So, now she knows those words mean.  Dogs are so smart, aren't they?Mornings come around quickly and we're pretty much on the go from 4:30 ish.

And yes, Livy still uses her crate at night.  You see, because I'm allergic to Katniss, I have to sleep with my bedroom door closed to prevent her from coming in.  If I left the door open, Kat would come in, and then all hell would break loose (although they really do adore each other) let alone the fact that yours truly would not get any sleep!!  And if it's two things that really make me cranky it's a lack of sleep and sore feet!

Anyway, I'll leave with this pic...a whole new meaning to a "close knit family".....LOL!!

(Don't worry about me, I'm on the bottom!)

just seeing, saying, sharing...

Hey, one more thing, remind me to wear my good hiking boots when I walk because otherwise my feet hurt like the dickens wearing my winter boots!!!!


Ginny Hartzler said…
the table near your feet is almost exactly like the one we have in the living room. And I am allergic to our cat as well. So we have to keep her closed out of the bedroom. Glad to hear the Bald Eagles are doing so well!
Ann said…
I like your family photo there at the end :)
How cool to have eagles so close and that's quite the snuggle pile!
I can't even imagine walking 14 miles at all, much less in 4 hours. Its so weird how different folks have such different sleep patterns. You're in bed by 8:30 and up at 4:30. I'm in bed between 1 & 2 am and up between 8 & 9 am. Glad to know you're both doing well these days, though.

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