Happy Belated Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday Livy!

As you can see, I'm running a little late with my Thanksgiving wishes.  Hoping yours was as much fun and fulfilling as ours.  As usual I cooked for the three days before and the Pres deep fried our 23 pounder the morning of.  In fact, I had my last turkey, cranberry and mayonnaise sandwich (on healthy bread of course) on December 1st.  We believe in eating leftovers.

My DIL brought the most delicious salad and these little puffy things stuffed with spinach, artichoke and cheese…DELICIOUS!  

My daughter brought this amazing charcuterie board…something that never existed in my early years (or if it did, I missed it).  Everyone left with tons of leftovers and all their desserts (a pumpkin pie each, pistachio surprise, bags of cookies, and good old family favorite, apple crisp).

I surprised everyone this year by giving them "The Grinch Test".  It's something I used to give my branches at "the bank" around Christmas and has always proven to have some good laughs!!

You'd be surprised how many variations of the Who's song came out of their mouths when asked to hum or sing it...LOL!!!

Even the Pres tried to get in an answer or two!

Livy and I continue to explore new trails and have found many.  Now that I have a dog to walk, it's opened up a whole new set of adventures and have allowed me to meet new and interesting people.  In fact, about 10 days ago, while out for a short walk, we were surprised by an Eagle.  Just as we were approaching the river, an Eagle flew upward, landed in a tree on the East side of the river, and perched stoically.  I thought it had come from across the river but the angle at which it flew left me questioning it's behavior the entire walk.

The entire time we were near the water's edge, it just sat looking in our direction yet never took flight.   Finally, Liv and I went on our merry way for our walk on the nearby trail and when we returned, the adult Bald Eagle was still there.  

Then when we walked a short distance up river, this is what we discovered.  By this time, the Eagle was perched up river about 110 yds from where the salmon was.   

I’m guessing it returned to feast on it once Livy and I were out of range.  

After all, as I’ve told you many times, Bald Eagles are opportunistic.  There’s no way that magnificent raptor was going to give up a salmon that size…no way, no how!

So, yes, the Pres and I have been busy as I'm sure you have.  Due to some very high winds, we did have a big limb break off one of the old maples and fall across the fence.  Of course, we had to get that rectified as soon as we could because of the fence now that we have Livy.  It took a bit of doing but we got it done!

Katniss and Livy are getting along pretty well, I must admit.  In fact, they are quite entertaining between playing peek-a-boo in the bathroom behind the shower curtain and then just relaxing together in the sun.

Today, 12/12/22, is Olivia's Birthday!  She is one today and had quite a busy day, which began with her nutritious breakfast.  Of course, we got a few inches of snow last night so that was the best present she could have gotten!!  All she wanted to do was go outside and play in the snow!  Then when we came in, she would just collapse, often times not even making it to her cuddle bed where she is now.

Lastly, I leave you with the setting sun...yet another late afternoon enjoyed with Livy by my side.


I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and we wish Olivia a most Happy First Birthday!
Ginny Hartzler said…
Good to see you. What an adventure you had with the Eagle and fish!
Ann said…
Sounds like you had a very nice Thanksgiving. I do leftover too.
So good to hear from you again and know you're doing well. Merry Christmas, dear girl. My best to the Pres and all your family.
It was wonderful to find a recent post, JP, even if a bit late for me. Your Thanksgiving sounded like a delicious family get together. Belated 🎂 to Livy and nice that there was some snow for her to play in. Sending all good (early) wishes to you and the Pres for a very Happy New Year.

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