Life Now

Holy mossepoops!!  Has it really been since August that I signed on?  I have no excuses other than apparently TIME has simply gotten away from me and LIFE...everything...seems to be so much more fun now.

Livy is now 10 mos and Katniss turned 4 the end of September.  All is well with the Pres and I as we prepare for the upcoming months.

LIFE is treating us well as you'll see by a few recent pix... pix that hopefully bring a bit of a smile and contentment to your face as they do mine.

One of the trails that Livy and I frequent crosses a nearby river. The first time we approached the bridge she was hesitant about crossing.  Now it's a non-event.  Like us, it's amazing how much puppies learn as they mature!  A few of the things I learned about Livy as she grew our first year together was that she LOVES PUZZLES!!

Attending "puppy school"during the Summer, the instructor mentioned that some breeds enjoy puzzles.  Shortly thereafter, after running in to a woman who has two Poodles, I was told the same thing.   Sure Livy is considered a "mixed breed" and definitely not a pure-bread Poodle, but I decided to get one.

Can you tell by the look on her face how much she loves it???  The crazy thing is, that when he wants me to take it out of the closet, she its in front of me and keeps turning toward the closet!

Then I hide kibble in the compartments or tuck them under the soft polyester fabric in her "Snuffle" and let the games begin!!

As you all know, another passion of mine has always been my gardening.   And this year, encountering the normal oddities and bits of beauty around the yard seem to be much more enjoyable with Livy close by.  Like me, she seems to love anything that moves.  Over the Summer, it was butterflies in flight.  The simple pleasure of watching her chase their SHADOWS alway made us chuckle as she raced around he yard and never once looked up!!  LOL...silly girl.

Yes, Livy is a spitfire...lots of energy and simply loves life!  Thinking back on how disappointed I was about the other dog, I honestly believe that finding her (thanks to my BFF and her brother fostering) was meant to be.  She is the dog I need.  As my BFF told me, she feeds off your energy.

Of course, Livy has had her moments too.  Like the time, I had to go to the dentist and left the Pres to watch her.  Last year's Christmas slipper's are living proof!

Oh, and remember our Sycamore that the Pre didn't want???  Well, the little bugger (both the tree and the Pres) has done well and now, he's glad I bought it.  Yes, I'm still mowing with Lucy June and now that we've been getting some rain after a severe drought, the yard is looking pretty good.

seeing, saying, sharing...


Fall from Home

Observing Eagles w/Liv

St Andrew's Cross

The Kids


Ginny Hartzler said…
I am so glad things are going so well!! Your photo of the trees is gorgeous! Livy is very smart to be so curious and love puzzles!! What a cutie!
I am glad all is well in your neck of the woods, those are such lovely photos.
Ann said…
So good to see you today and happy to hear that you are all doing well. Livy is adorable and it sounds to me like she is the perfect fit for you.

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