Using His Noodle

Not to be out done AGAIN by his nemesis, the squirrel, one afternoon the Pres ventured out.  He'd told me that he'd been thinking about rearranging the feeders to prevent that ONE squirrel from getting to the seed.  There he was...using his noodle, rearranging and adjusting.

He'd adjust the dome, move a feeder, then take a step back to see if it would be the right distance. 

Since we have six feeders, he was out there a considerable amount of time, I might add.

Satisfied with his work, he added the seed, replaced the suet cakes and finally came in the house.  "He won't be able to make it now.  I've got him THIS time."

Well, as you think about how hard the Pres worked you can see, that the Pres was again out-smarted by ONE squirrel who also used his noodle...assessing, analyzing, and adjusting.

seeing, saying, sharing...

Saturday Critters 




Ginny Hartzler said…
Oh my gosh! We have a squirrel proof feeder that works really well. If too much weight is on it, it snaps shut.
That is a very High IQ Squirrel!

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