Risky Business

One morning, I was in the mood to do something different.  I wanted to just walk.  Grant you some trails were still covered in snow while other were covered with ice, but the fresh air and sunshine felt great as I made my way around the reservoir.  Then I saw him.

If you ask me, this fisherman was taking a huge risk.  Can you see him out there at the edge of the ice?  Open water lay directly in front of him!!  If there are any ice fishermen out there that could share their wisdom, I would appreciate it because I thought (and still think) that this dude was CRAZY!!!

seeing, saying, sharing...

Risky Business


Welcome To My World


Ginny Hartzler said…
As my Mom would have said "Some people just don't have the brains they were born with".
I understand, I've been trout fishing in that kind of weather, the reels would freeze up. Fresh frozen fish LOL!
Ann said…
That does look pretty risky to me.

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