Move On Kiddo

This behavior will not be tolerated in a few short weeks because here in CT, the adult Bald Eagles will soon mate and, days later, lay eggs.

The 2021 immature seen in these photos will no no longer be allowed to enter the nesting territory.  Working as a team, once the adults "sound their alarm" if it doesn't leave on it's own, it will be chased away.

One year, the previous year's fledgling flew into the nest waiting for a handout.  I witnessed the chase of a lifetime!  It went on for hours until the immature finally moved on.

seeing, saying, sharing...

The Bird D'Pot 

Wild Bird Wednesday 

Natures Notes 2 


Ann said…
I'm thinking that would have made life so much easier if I had chased my kids off when they were a year old.

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