Fewer Mornings

Morning visits to the river have been far and few in between primarily because of the weather.  One morning I was there, looked at the temp on my phone and saw 2 degrees.  Then I thought, What in the world am I doing here before daylight when it's 2 degrees?  Am I crazy?

seeing, saying, sharing...

Then I saw my tree and decided it was all worth it.



Ginny Hartzler said…
What a gorgeous and kind of mysterious nature shot. You must be VERY hardy!!
Lydia C. Lee said…
Lovely stills. 2 degrees? Yikes!
Dragonstar said…
Love the reflections in your black and white! And yes, you're probably crazy :) That tree shot is definitely worth the craziness though.
Beautiful, cold but beautiful!
Rob Siemann said…
Gorgeous, definitely not my kind of weather
Ann said…
Yep, that's exactly what I would be thinking. The only way I'm going to be out of the house before daylight in temps like that is if I have to leave for work.
kwarkito said…
Maybe crazy, but the photo is beautiful. Thanks
Bernhard said…
No u arent

Best regards

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