Winter Is

Many people think Winter is bleak, dull, and boring.  It doesn't appear that way to me.  Natural vegetation along the riverbanks appears inviting.  Wisps of brush seem to stand out more against the now frozen water with it's glossy sheen of ice.  Ice reflects where the water once was.  It's a whole new world.

 seeing, saying, sharing...

Winter Is

Black and White Weekend


Winter is colder than normal for us.
Ann said…
So in other words, maybe if I get out from underneath the blanket and go take a walk I might not find winter so boring?
Dragonstar said…
We get cold rain, rain, and more rain - then the sun shines and everything changes. Love your photo!
Rob Siemann said…
Winter is just grey and wet here
We enjoy the look of the bare trees around our house during winter. They add a whole new look to the place and allow us to see the mountains through them in most directions.

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