What The????

Taking a shortcut the other day, I navigated the country roads pretty well, considering I hadn't been on them in a while.  Just as I was about to get to the bottom of a pretty steep grade, I saw this "thing" in the distance.  A big, brown, furry thing, moving slowly in the corner of the field.  

No camera naturally so I had to use my phone.  I pulled over, left my blinker on and came to a stop.  Watching the "thing", I noticed that it was moving it's head slowly.  Then I saw that it was tied up.  That big brown thing was only a sheep, a sheep that I hadn't seen in a long, long time.

 seeing, saying, sharing...

 Saturday Critters


Ann said…
Looking at the picture I never would have guessed it was a sheep. When I looked closer though I did notice the white one laying behind whatever that wood thing is.
eileeninmd said…
Wow, it is a big brown thing. My first thought was a sheep even before I read your post. It must be well fed, looks a little chubby. Is there a white sheep laying on the ground too? Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.
Oh my! I thought it was a bear! You were brave to stop to see what it was! Stay warm this blustery weekend!
HA! I thought it was a bear too.
Breathtaking said…
Hello, :=) I thought you were going to say it was a bear. I'm sure you knew that already, but kept us guessing.

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