Pond Unseen

Taking a ride to one of our local Gun Shops yesterday, when we pulled in and parked, I said to the Pres, "Wait for me inside.  I want to get a quick shot of the pond."

"What pond?"he replied.

"That one.  The one that's right in front of you.  Hon, we're parked right it front of it!!   " I said, closing the passenger door to his truck.

He answered quickly, "I never knew there was a pond here.  I never noticed it."

seeing, saying, sharing...

Pond Unseen

Our World Tuesday 


That's a very pretty pond! Too funny that someone didn't notice!
Klara said…
:-) made me smile. lovely pond.
Ginny Hartzler said…
A lovely photo, it looks like glare ice!
Ann said…
That looks like a pretty big pond to never notice...lol Pretty picture.
Fun60 said…
Looks a big pond to go unnoticed.

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