Gifts Made Christmas

Decorating for Christmas was extra special this year.  Other than our tree (which the Pres decorated), everything I put out was a gift, including the dinner and serving plates!!

Trying to create a little warm and cozy feeling for the Pres, Katniss and I, only GIFTS were put out.

We kept Christmas dinner small...only my daughter and her honey for their safety and ours.

So many cherished gifts (now decorations) over the years...

the Merry Christmas print made by my SIL, the Berries box given to me by my BFF, the metal conical shaped snowman (a gift from a co-worker many, many years ago), the family of snowmen on the corner pie safe (made by my granddaughter and myself), each and every small Christmas tree (gifts from my step daughter), the Snow globe, mug topper, standing Santa (from my daughter), while the painted rock was a hiking reward on Winter solstice a few years ago...

the wall hanging (from my Sister), the tree (my step daughter), the Snowmen (my youngest step daughter), the mugs (a former neighbor)...

the Cardinal on my MIL's old pie safe (my MIL), the hanging stocking (my SIL), Christmas trees (my step daughter), the three little mice (my son when he was in grammar school),

the kissing ball and all our wreaths (from the farm where the Pres often works)

seeing, saying, sharing...

Gifts Made Christmas 2021

 Thankful Thursday

Welcome To My World 

Shadow Shot Sunday 2 



What lovely Christmas decor! And all of it so meaningful to you. Even this curmudgeon would be in the spirit there. Happy New Year
A gifty Christmas looks lovely and so does your estate!
Ginny Hartzler said…
Your house is GORGEOUS, and the outside is decorated so elegantly! I think my favorite decoration is your box of berries, so pretty and it can stay out all winter.
Ann said…
Your tree is beautiful and so many wonderful decorations. I have several ornaments on my tree that I know were gifts but some I can't remember who gave them to me.
MadSnapper said…
what a great idea and your home looks beautiful inside and out... in the living room I am sitting in, I see only 2 things that are gifts. one I love the other I don't, but there is sits. if i decorated with gifts, it would be easy. nothing would go out. easy peasy. love your little mouse santas
Thanks, JP, for this visual tour and descriptions of your holiday gifts that are now happily displayed in your home. I agree with you that there many things that bring back special memories of the person who gifted you. Our inside decorations featured several and this year, another memory was sadly made. A small Lenox Santa will always be remembered as a gift from Tracey, a friend who passed the day after Christmas. There may not be a lot of monetary value, nor does there need be, to hold many things priceless in our hearts forever. You well know that, my friend.

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