Hitchhikers...Bah Humbug!

You all know that I usually am out early taking a "woodsy walk" somewhere.  Lately once I get home and lean down to remove my hiking boots, I've had to pick off the hitchhikers that came home with me. 
However, when I wear my nylon wind pants, they seem to ignore them and catch a ride solely on my socks. 
Coming "from nearly every kind of plant from herbaceous annuals to woody shrubs" (according to Google), these hitchhikers are seeds that can stick to nearly everything from my socks to dogs! 

Of course, I dug further and found this web site...Ultimate Hitchhiker which had this cool chart to help decipher varieties.  I never knew there were so many but I'm glad that I don't have them all here!!


A. Burdock (Arctium lappa, Asteraceae); B. Grappling-hook (Harpagonella palmeri, Boraginaceae); C. Horehound (Marrubium vulgare, Lamiaceae); D. Bur-grass (Cenchrus echinatus, Poaceae); E. Bur-clover (Medicago polymorpha syn. M. hispida, Fabaceae); F. Beggar-ticks (Bidens pilosa, Asteraceae); G. Sand-bur (Ambrosia acanthicarpa, Asteraceae); H. Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium, Asteraceae); I. Krameria (Krameria grayi, Krameriaceae); J. Stick-tight (Desmodium cuspidatum, Fabaceae); K. Devil's-claw (Martynia annua, Martyniaceae).


 seeing, saying, sharing...

Hitchhikers...Bah Humbug


Ginny Hartzler said…
Too bad you can't find socks made from the same stuff your pants are!
Ann said…
Oh, no fun picking those things off.
Those things are a real pain!
the one we have here is the sandspur, and when they stick in legs, feet or anywhere they hurt when pulled out of the skin and hurt the fingers that pull them out. i have never seen this many hitchhikers on one sock. yowsa

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