Changing Behaviors

Birds are the BEST weather predictors ever!  Gazing out the windows throughout the day, watching the Doves basking in the sunlight or the American Robins foraging through the fallen leaves, I can always tell when it's warmed up enough to head out for some yard work.

This year, the Pres had an idea on how to clean up the flower beds.  Rather than me being on my hands and knees clipping away plant by plant, he suggested that he use his weed eater to just cut everything down, then "just rake it up."

Well, that was the plan...until he bent over to tie his work-boots and pulled out his back anyway.

Poor guy he could hardly stand up and walking was extremely painful for him after it happened.  He was on rest, heat and Tylenol for several days.

However, while he was in his recliner, he did notice that we had numerous Eastern Bluebirds returning to the yard as well and actually scoping out the clean nesting boxes.   Does anyone know if they eat Lady Bugs?  We have a ton of them around, which I know are great for destroying aphids in the Spring but what a nuisance now...and they bite too!!

seeing, saying, sharing...

Changing Behaviors

Wild Bird Wednesday

The Bird D'Pot

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Ann said…
Ouch. Hope he's feeling better
Ginny Hartzler said…
Ladybugs bite, really? Well, I never! Gosh, I hope your husband is back to normal soon, Phil's bacl has gone totally out and it is awful.
Oh no, that back pain is horrible and we hope it's all better soon.
Hope the rest and meds help the Pres feel better, JP. I have no idea on what ladybugs eat, except plant leaves, and suspect they would be a treat for birds to dine on as well.
I'm sorry to hear he hurt his back. Ugh. And I didn't know lady bugs bite.

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