The Perfect Time

Arriving VERY early to a public beach, I was really surprised when I pulled into the lot.  Being the second car to park, I immediately thought that I would practically have the place to myself.  Hey, it was good with me.  After all, I hadn't been to "the beach" since 2019 and I love peace and quiet.  

I always try to pack light mainly because there's less to carry.  I went around to the back hatch, pulled my beach chair and small cooler out and hit lock on the key fob.  A few years ago I'd bought a beach chair that has two zippered pockets on the back where you can put your stuff...sunscreen, cover-up, sheet, and my book.

Meanwhile I watched the two young fishermen from the car that had pulled in before me.  Dressed in fishing gear and waist-high waders, they walked in front of me following the path to the beach.  When they got to the end of the boardwalk, they turned left while I turned right.

Once I spread out my sheet (yes, a flat, full-sized bed sheet) and set up my chair, I looked around, inhaling the beach aroma, leaned back in my chair and took the silence in.

seeing, saying, sharing...

The Perfect Time

Skywatch Friday


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