Now I Know WHY

Seeing that several of my indoor houseplants were in dior need of transplanting, I decided to finally bite the bullet to just get it done.  Some of the plants were so large I had to ask the Pres to help carry them downstairs to my garden bench located under the pergola.   

I had noticed that one of my really old Christmas Cactus was really looking pathetic and began wondering WHY.   I had transplanted several of my houseplants about two years ago and couldn't understand why only those I had repotted looked sad.

Well, let me tell you, it apparently was because I bought the wrong potting soil!  The soil I purchased was filled with materials which retained water.  It was meant for outside not inside plants...dummy!!

When I removed the plants from their respective pots, I saw that the soil around the roots was fat too wet!!  Of course, that would explain the sad looking leaves, I thought as I worked.  That afternoon I repotted two giant Christmas Cactus', two Hindu Ropes and my Spathe Flower.  As of this post, they are doing well and are considered discharged from ICU.

seeing, saying, and sharing...

Now I Know WHY

Our World Tuesday


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