Needs Work


Last week the Pres told me he would be home for a while unless they "needed something done" at the farm.  I was glad...really glad...because there are things that need to be done around our yard.  Unfortunately since I never learned to use a chain saw, I can't take down this small tree located to the right of a birdhouse pole.  The tree is literally blocking the birdhouse, obliterating it from view.  The Pres has been taking care of it for a few years now...LOL...which means perhaps it's time has come.  Of course, when I asked him to make a list of everything that HE needed to do, he'd mumble and grumble after each thing as he jotted it down.  

Okay, back to the little tree.  In order to get to the little tree, he's going to have to use the hefty weed whacker as you can see.  I'm sure had he taken it down years ago, none of those prickers, briars and brush would be waste high.  

What I found interesting was that when I went down to assess the work load (because, believe it or not, I try to limit the amount of physical work he has to do around here because of his heart and breathing), I found something VERY interesting.   Look carefully at the little bird house literally hidden by the tree.  The whole roof is missing!!!  

Now I know we had an extremely hot, humid Summer, but I have known birds to do this type of renovations, have you?  

 seeing, saying, and sharing...

Needs Work


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