Fond Memories

This piece of Hoya has been rooting in water for....lets see...about four years.  For whatever reason I set it on the sill of the window in the downstairs bathroom.  It is one of three pants rooting and growing well in water, so I leave them alone.  They get plenty of light since that is the South side of the house and being that my downstairs is literally a finished basement, it is cool year round.

All three...cuttings taken after I'd admired them and or saying they were weird looking...were given to me by either family or friends.

The curly one is also in the Hoya family and it's counterparts are upstairs, potted and behaving like normal houseplants.  That one was given to me by the Pres' Aunt (and Uncle), who I adore.
I've mentioned it before to you...Krinkle Kurl (aka Hindu Rope).  Although this sounds odd, Auntie told me that it likes to touch a cold window.  

She's right!! It's blooms are very similar to the Hoya with the "heart-shaped" leaves, which was given to me years ago by my computer guy, who had several piece rooting.

The one on the far right was also a gift.  From my friend Gerry, who was a firefighter at the same "house" where the Pres was located for years.  Although I haven't seen him in years, I think of him and his crazy antics often!


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