Picking Up After Henri

Although I would love to blame this mess on the Pres, I cannot.  When I went down to the "Club" the morning after Henri, there was quite a mess.  I certainly couldn't just walk away and leave it there.  As long as I was there, I thought I'd see what I could get done to help out.  

So, little by little I chipped away at the pile of branches, carrying and or dragging them over to the huge fire-pit. (Remind me to always have work gloves in my car!).  Unfortunately by the time I did all that, an hour had passed and I need to head out to pick up my allergy scrip.  After uncovering the last limb, I realized that it was just too much for me to move on my own.  I had to leave it.

When I left, I scooted over past a friend's house to check on his place.  I pulled my car over and picked up the branches in his driveway and just piled them on his front lawn.  At least if anyone needed to get in his driveway, they would be able to.  

Scrip picked up and heading home, I stopped my car heading up our shared driveway to pickup the few branches along the roadway before pulling into the garage at home.  My last stop was our yard and the edge of the woods where some of the dead, thoroughly saturated branches had fallen.  Once they were all picked up and thrown onto the wood pile over the fence, I went in for breakfast.

Henri, like the Pres, left a mess but as with the Pres, it could have been a lot worse!

seeing, saying, and sharing...

Picking Up After Henri


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