Quiet Company

It was early....very early...before 5:00 am, in fact.  I had just come upstairs after feeding Katniss and it was time for me to make MY coffee when I saw HER in the yard.  It was LOOSER and judging by her reaction, she detected my movements too.  Moments later, I saw her with one of her poults.

Trying to figure out what she was looking for, I didn't start the coffee but rather watched her instead.  Ahhh...finally...there it was!!  One of her poults had wandered off and she was not about to head out of the yard with it.

Looser had come in the yard with TWO and she was going to leave with TWO.  

Watching her walk over to the gate on the North side of the yard, I wondered how she would do.  She looked over her shoulder, waited patiently for the wanderer to catch up, then she ducked under the wooden fence.  Her two poults followed like good little turkeys.

NOW, I can make my coffee.

seeing, saying, sharing...

Quiet Company


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