My Hero

This post is a BIG, HUGE, ENORMOUS HUG, KISS and

THANK YOU to Sandra who found out just what ALVA is!!!

Receiving an email from her over the weekend, she told me that she thought she may have found out just what "Alva" (the houseplant I put in the dark closest all Winter) was.  She further suggested that I look at the photos on the link she sent and as soon as I did, I got back on email and said, "OMG!  That's Alva!!!"

So, of course, I read about this species (of which there are numerous varieties) in disbelief, trying to understand just how the real Aunt Alva even started this plant, but that night I slept like a rock.

Scrolling through image after image of the varieties, for those who asked, I believe Alva is:

an Achimenes Longiflora (Wikipedia-Cupid's Bower)

(photos of Alva found in my archives)

seeing, saying, sharing...

MY Hero

P.S.  One more thing.  Yesterday I spotted a BUD on Alva.  She's alive and doing well!!


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