Top of the World

It was on May 6th when I was at the nest,  that I witnessed a chick make it's way to the rim.  Generally a chick can make it "to the top of it's world" at two weeks of age.  Once the movement in the nest subsided and while observing through the spotting scope, I saw it open it's beak wide as if it was either yawning or trying to say something to the world and flap it's naked wings!  Nature is AMAZING!!

A week later, while observing, the rambunctious chick moved freely about the nest. although it definitely has it's favorite spots.  It was now close to feeding time and I watched the chick head over toward the branch where the female was perched.  As the chick got closer to the branch, I got this pic.  It was as if the female was saying, "I told you STAY THERE."

It was that same day that I noticed the female WAS WEARING A FEDERAL LEG BAND ON HER RIGHT LEG!!  Continuing to watch her and wait for an opportunity to see that LEFT LEG WHICH WOULD BEAR THE STATE BAND, I unfortunately came home with nothing...UGH.

However returning each day at various times, I finally got this got this photo which clearly shows a BLACK STATE BAND.

In the days that followed, while watching the chick get stronger, I now wanted to check for bands on the male.  Seizing every opportunity to catch him in flight and about to land, I was finally able to confirm the male IS NOT BANDED.

It is estimated that hatch takes 35 days on average and a fledge date is an additional 77 days, which would mean that this chick should be fledging on or around July 8th.  Between now and then the chick will grow rapidly reaching the size of an adult Eagle BEFORE it fledges! 

seeing, saying, sharing...

The Bird D'Pot

Natures Notes 2

Saturday Critters

Wild Bird Wednesday


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