Trading Stories

Visiting my dental hygienist last week, we traded stories as usual because, after all, it had been six months since we last saw each other.   Out of everything we told each other, she found this one very amusing and insisted that I share it with you so now I will try to paint the picture. 

Early one afternoon last Summer he pulled up and asked her if she would (and could) go for a ride with him.  Promising to have her back home long before supper, he parked his vehicle while she went in the house and asked her Mom if she could go for a ride with Billy.  

Going into her house, the daughter begged to go, explaining that he was waiting outside for an answer and that she'd be back before supper.  Still in shock, and looking at her quizzically, all while wondering how this could happen and what is he driving, the Mom walked over to the window only to see Billy quietly waiting outside near his vehicle.

When she saw him, she smiled broadly turned to her daughter and did not ask any other questions.  She said, "Yes, you can go for a ride.  Take your phone and call me if you need to and remember, be home before supper."  Her daughter flew out of the house and as the Mom watched them drive away, she called her husband, "Now don't freak out.  Your daughter just went on her first date.  I couldn't say NO.  It was so adorable.  We'll talk more about it when you get home from work.  He picked her up with his lawn tractor pulling a little wagon.  I watched her climb into the wagon and off they went."

Later that afternoon, the young girl returned home.  Bursting into the house with a big smile and beaming with pride, she said, "Dad, I climbed higher than any of the boys.  That's why my legs are a little scratched up but it's ok.  Dad, you should have seen how high I went!"

seeing, saying, and sharing...

Trading Stories


Brian's Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday


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