Never Again

Occasionally, the freight train will slowly pass when I'm at the Club.  I honestly think that in two years, I have seen it twice...once from afar and once a little too close for comfort.  

One year, while conducting our Eagle Survey, our team was literally walking on the tracks because it was an easier trek than trudging through the thick briars along the river's edge.  Then we heard it...clanking along from the South.  Naturally, the spot where we saw it approaching was narrow with a steep incline on one side and the cold, icy Winter river on the other.  On the count of three, we all stepped off and away from the tracks as far as possible and literally laid our bodies against the cold, frozen ground on the steep bank, keeping all our limbs tucked beneath our bodies.  The ground shook, the noise was incredibly loud and it seemed to take forever to pass.  I hope I never have to do that again!

seeing, saying, sharing...

Never Again


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