A Dolly Domestic OOPS

Another road trip because walking wasn't really an option for a few days this week.  It seems that I was too busy ( in other words, OVERDID IT) playing "Dolly Domestic" earlier in the week.  Not only did I wash windows but I also lifted the burgundy leather sofa up and placed it on the area rug so I could look for a few of Katniss' toys.  I guess I leaned, lifted, twisted and repeated a little too much because I strained my back (YIKES to muscle spasms!!!).  However, I did find 3 of Katniss' Q-tips, 1 bottle cap, her 2 favorite gray, two-toned puff-balls, her favorite broken twist-tie and 1 ballpoint pen so she was elated!

Anyway, rather than walking, this week I did more driving and found this cool reflection.  How, you ask?   Wearing those wonderful inventions called ThermaCare Heat Wraps, I was not house-bound.  Those things are the BEST because they allow you to move and get your blood circulating which helps alleviate the inflammation.

seeing, saying, sharing...

A Dolly Domestic OOPS

Weekend Reflection


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