Walk Like a Penguin

Saturday morning when I returned from the river, I noticed a lot of what looked like dog footprints on our front walk.  After I ate breakfast, I put on my snow shoes and decided to follow the tracks.  IF it was a dog, it had to be a large one because the width was about 3". The tracks began at the opened double gate so it must have come up the gravel road because I saw nothing coming from the woods. Whatever it was, it went completely around the yard as well as the house.  Walking closely to the house makes me think that it was a domestic animal rather than something wild.  Besides coyote prints are much smaller and there are no wolves around here.

I did, however, get to use the snowshoes which made me realize just how easy they make snow-trekking.  In fact, because it was so easy and so much fun, I threw them in the car and headed over to my friend's yard.  He laughed at me as I out them on and said, "You're walking like a penguin.  Do you have poles?"

"Yes, I have poles but I can't use them when I'm carrying my tripod and my camera!!

seeing, saying, sharing...

Walk Like a Penguin

Natures Notes 2

By the way, in case you didn't realize it, animals have a way of detecting inclement weather by things like barometric pressure.  It's true...I asked Google:

"Animals have been known to exhibit unusual behavior before a storm. This could be due to their keen sense of smell and hearing, along with sensitive instincts. Dogs may also sense the change in barometric pressure that comes with storms, causing them to bark, cuddle, or hide in an attempt to seek shelter."


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