Cats Are Trainable!


Can I train a cat?  I mean seriously...are cats trainable?  I love the independence of owning a cat as well as the connection between Katniss and I.  She comes when I call her and use key words to get her involved with playing or showing off.   I really think she has the potential of becoming a GREAT "watch dog"...LOL!  This particular afternoon, she meowed to get my attention!!  I think she was saying "Uhhhh....Mom...they're back".

She has several favorite spots around the house and when I'm downstairs she often can be found lounging on her window hanger affixed with suction cups (inexpensive too <$10.00).  The canvas cover slides on/off, is washable and easy to slide onto the sturdy plastic, tubular frame.

seeing, saying, sharing...

Cats Are Trainable!!


Our World Tuesday


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