Stellar Eagle Survey

Yes, it was cold.  The wind was 10 mph.  Skies were clear.  While my team only saw one immature Eagle (3rd year sub-adult I believe), the numbers listed below are ONLY for this particular region of CT (26 towns). Statewide totals will not be available for several months after all pertinent data has been collected, analyzed and tallied.


35 Eagles...30 adults...5 immatures (ranging in age from 1st to 4th yr) 

16 teams...comprised of 46 volunteers

37 locations...23 river...14...flat-water 

The related stories from the volunteer observers are still circulating and we were told we did a "stellar" job.  This year was very interesting regarding behaviors.  Adult pairs from various territories were sighted at the same location along with immatures.  Of course, it is not yet breeding season here which explains multiples congregating at one location tolerating each other.

Just a little reminder because:groups of Eagles are known as a convocation, congregation, aerie

A few of you had mentioned that you have a difficult time deciphering an immature eagles from a hawk when the bird is in flight or perched.  This Audubon link Tips for Identifying Raptors along with perhaps a silhouette sheet identifying raptors (birds of prey...birds that must kill to live) in flight for starters.  Also pay attention to wing shape and flight patterns.  They can be very helpful. 

seeing, saying, sharing...

Stellar Survey

Natures Notes 2

The Bird. D'Pot

Saturday Critters


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