Returning Customer

Although I do not like the idea that the area hawks visit my bird feeders, most of the time the birds have already evacuated the premises when one lands close by.   Thanks to the vigilance of the many Black-Capped Chickadees, which serve as sentries, most of time the Jays, ground birds, and squirrels are safe.

This Cooper's visited twice the same day...once in the morning and then again late that afternoon.  Generally they are more active in the morning. 

Hawks are fascinating birds and their presence and behaviors are almost predictable.  They, like so many raptors, symbolize the power of observation by studying the situation before taking action....something many of us should do.

Their flight pattern is very cool.  A narrow-tailed forest dweller, their flight is characterized by several quick flaps and a glide....remember:  short bursting flaps punctuated by a glide...flap, flap, glide.

(look closely, you'll see it's round reddish-yellow eye)

seeing, saying, sharing...

Returning Customer

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