Gut Feeling...A Story

Making my coffee Sunday morning, I noticed a lot of "flotsam and jetsam"floating in my mug after I poured in the half and half.  Hesitating momentarily, I stirred it, hoping for it to disappear.  It didn't.  Down the drain it went.  

Minutes later I was heading downstairs with a new cup of coffee that I made with new creamer. My mind remembered vividly what had happened a few months ago.

Waking up feeling great as usual, I headed upstairs to make my coffee.  Sipping it, I thought it had a funny taste yet, I drank it.  I ate my usual breakfast.  Then around 10:00am, I felt like I was going to barf.  And boy did I.

Throwing up violently for the next four hours, I couldn't wait for the Pres to get home.  Lying in bed, I wondered if I had contracted COVID because I had read that sometimes COVID caused intestinal problems, (especially with Seniors).  However,  I had no fever, no headache.

When the Pres got home and I was still in bed with my "puke bucket" next to me...just in case.  For the next several hours I sipped on Ginger Ale and finally ate a saltine cracker around supper time.

The next morning I felt fine but after speaking to my son, I threw out the half and half even though the date was far from expiring.  He'd told me that sometimes, if dairy products sit out at room temperature too long before they are put in their respective cases in a grocery store, they can spoil.  Who knew?

seeing, saying, sharing...

Gut Feeling...A Story

My Corner of the World


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