Busy, Busy...

Whenever I'm at the river listening and observing the pair of Eagles, I always look for signs left by the resident beaver.  While I cannot see a den, I know that sometimes they make their home in the bank of the river.

Knowing that in the Fall they prepare for Winter by felling trees, I found it interesting to take notice  of their selection.  

They use the trees for food and the leftover branches for building materials for their lodge and dams.  Sunday morning it was diving in and around one of the many coves along the river. It's apparently been very busy because several trees, both large and small, have been gnawed regularly.  In fact, the morning I discovered this fallen birch, I could actually see the trail it left as it waddled through the oak leaves onshore from the river.


seeing, saying, and sharing...

Busy, Busy...Beaver


Natures Notes 2


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