Before The Frost

Before our first frost, I worked out in the yard cleaning up and putting away as much as I could.

Heating up surfaces as the day passed, the warm sun felt good to me and good for the creatures as well.

While these red dragonflies are always a favorite of mine, I will say that when I went to add clippings to a pile around back and heard a rustling noise, I stopped right in my tracks.

Seeing the small Garter snake, I continued on after it slithered away beneath the decaying clippings.

Now this is the guy scared the crap out of me when I was disconnecting the hose reels and draining the hoses for the Winter.  He hopped up onto the small tires on the reel and just  it's sudden movement startled me!  Then he just sat there while I worked.

seeing, saying, and sharing...

Before the Frost

with you and those at

Saturday Critters


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