Seconds, Please

After my daughter planted the bulbs I brought her, she sent me a pic of the slope where she planted them.  It looked so beautiful!  The best part was the MADE HER HAPPY...:) 

Asking her if she wanted the Pres to get a few more, she quickly said, “That would be awesome, Mom!”  A few days later, we met once again at the RI/CT border.  

However this time, as I approached the usually empty lot, I noticed a black pickup parked right in front of the restaurant.  Bear in mind before COVID19 the place was open for breakfast and lunch and as of later this month, they will be doing take-out and outdoor eating.

Parking where I usually do, I popped open the rear hatch exposing all the potted plants and sat comfortably, dangling my legs near the rear bumper.  After my daughter pulled in and she and I began loading the pots into her car, a man came out of the restaurant and said, "Are those for sale?"

My daughter immediately said, "No, but we can give you a few pots.  What would you like?  Anything in particular?"

The next thing I knew we were filling a flat with six pots and handing it to him.  Smiling broadly he thanked us over and over then told us we were making he and his mother very happy before disappearing back into the restaurant.  It was another feel good, something we all need as human beings.

My daughter and I continued to load her car and just as we were finishing up, the man came out and handed me an envelope.  Telling me that there was a gift certificate inside for the restaurant, he thanked us again and off we went.

A few days later, I opened the envelope.  In it was a gift certificate for $25.00 along with his handwritten note giving me his name, phone number, email and the words "I do carpentry work.  Doing carpentry for you would be a pleasure." 

seeing, saying, and sharing...

Seconds, Please

with you and 


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