Looking For Treasure

When I went for my five mile hike in the woods this week, I was actually glad that it was so chilly for a few reasons.  First, the chilly, damp, overcast morning made me move a little faster to create body heat and secondly, I saw NO ONE.  

What I did discover were a few treasures throughout the woods that I have here at home like Trillium, Adders Tongue, fiddleheads, and lots and lots of wet, soggy earth.  


Theirs:  If you know what this is, please tell me.

Pre-emergence Jack-in-the-Pulpit (mine)
 No, I wasn't expecting to discover the similarities between the trail through the woods and our "space" however, I must say that when I saw the "Thank You" painted on the rock sitting perfectly on the moss covered stump, I was glad that I was part of this Earth and humanity.

seeing, saying, and sharing...

Looking For Treasure

with you and



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