Keeping Busy...aka Are YOU Tired?

Busier now during this Covid 19 thing than I was before, this is an example of what a week looks like for me:

Based on weather, I've been walking either solo or with a close friend several times a week.  Yes, when there is a "we" distance is a priority.  However, we do get to chat which makes the time fly in doing the 5 miles.

Discovering (thanks to yet another friend) a gentleman by the name of Jerry Baker, along with his homemade concoctions for cleaning/washing and fertilizing your gardens whether flowers, shrubs, or vegetables is making me relive my "wannbe scientist" days.   Speaking of veggies, I planted a few (potatoes, beets, scallions now and spinach will be put in later) in a raised bed, eliminating bending.  

Yard Work:
Just this morning, I dug up a small conifer that seemed to struggling ever since I brought the little thing home from a "walk/talk" about trees last year.  To my surprise, there were two small ones near it so I've decided that it represents my two children and myself.

Planted all the hanging pots with red, white purple and yellow Million Bells, which I love!  The Pres brought them home from the greenhouse along with 5 pots of lavender and some dianthus, which will be planted this week.  All the Dahlia tubers are in their favorite spot which is growing by leaps and bounds...:)

Picking up branches, small tree limbs I found a nice sunny spot that would be ideal Echinacea and Black Eyed Susan seed left from last year's deadheading.  Driving almost every day, I've taken over weed eating UNTIL MY NEW MOWER ARRIVES.  Yes, you heard me.  I am getting MY VERY OWN...WOOT!  WOOT! (Actually, it will be good for the Pres so I can take care of that task for him.)  


Both nests are doing well.  One female is sitting high, which usually indicates hatchlings, while at the other nest, the female is still sitting low.

Although the nests are not mine to monitor, I was asked to visit two with a co-worker.  One nest has two chicks and the second nest has three, which I have never seen.  That discovery was super exciting!! 

Spring Cleaning:
Windows washed, screens in (no pix).   What I have left to tackle is to power wash the house.  However, that may not happen until we're done with tree pollen....oh well.  Routine housework while the Pres continues to drive almost daily.

Social Media:
Not much.  Why?  
I'm too flipping tired!!!

seeing, saying, sharing...

Keeping Busy...
aka Are YOU Tired?

with you and those at


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