This Week's Entertainment

While the Pres continued to drive and deliver Easter flowers and Spring plants to places like NJ, MA as well as CT, I kept busy here at home.  Making lasagne one day, baked macaroni and cheese another, and chicken parm yet another, I had my own entertainment.

I actually had to holler at Katniss this week, telling her, "Listen young lady, remember who's in charge here.  'YOU RENT.  I OWN!" 

You see, she had  decided to attack one of my houseplants repeatedly even though I sprayed her with water.  

Using chicken wire, and plant stakes, I literally built a cage around the plant!  I even attached a few bells to the exterior so when I'm downstairs or in the LR, I can hear the bells jingle which means you know who is trying to get to MY Crown of Thorns.

However, the week wasn't all a challenge.  There were good times too.  For example, the morning I spotted Kat on the end table near the LR window which overlooks the top of the pergola.

Yes.  This time I got the male Eastern Bluebird!!  Of course, this time of the year, being Spring, they are very active and every bluebird nesting box around our yard is occupied.

This is an all-time favorite photo of the Eastern Bluebirds.

Yesterday, the doe and her two yearlings wandered through, letting me know that they were not far away from my emerging Hydrangea, Eastern Snowball Viburnum, Monrovia Viburnum, Butterfly Bush and Deutzia buds.  Keeping a watchful eye on them in case they decided to jump the fence and begin munching, personally I was glad they headed deeper into the woods.
Last but not least, one of the hens wandered through the yard (hopefully looking for ticks) as her handsome mate waited at the edge of the woods.

seeing, saying, and sharing...

This Week's Entertainment

with you and 


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