After Yesterday

Yesterday was miserable for me. 

Waking up feeling fine, I fed Katniss, took my temp and made my coffee just like always.  Changing the comforter on my bed gave the room a fresher appearance which I wanted since Spring is knocking on our door (even though there was snow on the ground!).

Eating my normal breakfast just like always, around mid-morning I made my smoothie, planning on sipping it as I continued doing things around the house.  The Pres had left by 5:30 am since he, once again, was heading to the farm only this time he had to take my car.  He blew the transmission on his Dodge Diesel on Thursday, had it towed to a mechanic's house where the transmission will be delivered.

All of a sudden...and I mean all of a sudden...I felt sick to my stomach.  While I will not go into colorful details or describe everything in detail, all I will say is that I was sick to my stomach for four hours!

By the time the Pres got home I was in my bedroom, with the door closed and my antique, white enamel bed pan at my side along with a roll of TP.  

Thank goodness for cell phones!

I called him and while he thought I was merely downstairs taking a late afternoon nap, he was surprised to find out I was feeling YUCKY.  

Yes, thoughts of covid ran through my mind with each waking moment but then realized that I had too many "good signs" going on for me.

seeing, saying, sharing...

After Yesterday

with you and


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