After The Storm

On Monday, winds up to 60 mph were forecasted.  Thinking I should check on the two Osprey nests even though it was pouring rain, I was saddened when I saw this at the first nest.  Tucking it's head down on it's chest, the male Osprey sat motionless in the driving wind and rain as it's mate (not visible in this photo) was hunkered down on eggs.  At the second nest, both adults were at the nest.  (This is the one I really was worried about since it sit's on top of a cell tower and had to be built from scratch this year...another story).

However, the construction of the nest held up as did the Osprey!  Tuesday morning I found them enjoying breakfast after the male delivered it to the nest. 

seeing, saying, and sharing...

After The Storm

with you and those at

The pair at Nest #1 faired well as did the nest itself.  They both were on alert as a hawk flew over before heading Southeast toward the river. 


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