A Story: The Chemist (alive and well)

Yes, the Pres and I are fine....alive and well.  Now, like you and everyone, thanks to "social distancing," I walk where I think there will be less people...in the woods at some of my "secret places," while the Pres, for the most part, continues to be glued to the TV and his favorite programs.  

It's been a busy few weeks and there's a lot of stuff for you to catch up on, so here we go.

A Story:  The Chemist 

In the Fall, when I went for my annual exam, my doctor said, "Well, you are a very healthy woman.  Your blood work came back great!  Keep doing what you're doing."  (Lets hope it helps keep me that way!)

Making my smoothie each morning has brought back memories of days gone by. When I was young (around 10-13) and was told to "go clean the bathroom", I would literally lock the door behind me.  

After scouring out the bathtub, toilet and sink, I would line up items from the medicine cabinet and let my imagination take over.  Although I don't know why, the imaginary chemist would emerge, causing me to mix toothpaste, baking soda, shaving creme together before adding little green Comet cleanser for color.  

What I should now admit to you is that in my freshman year of college, I flunked Chemistry and took again second semester.  Now Botany was a different story.  I loved it! (Maybe that's why I love to garden!)

Now back to the smoothie.  It consists of:

Frozen Wild Blueberries (sometimes Mixed Fruit)
Frozen Fresh Spinach (yes, I literally buy fresh, then bag it in individual snack-see zip-lock bags so it is the equivalent of one serving per bag)
3/4 Greek Non-fat plain yogurt
2/3 c Tropicana Low Sugar OJ
1/3 water
Protein Powder Vegan

Oh, one more thing...it comes out green, which totally disgusts my granddaughter.

seeing, saying, and sharing...

A Story:  The Chemist 


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